Stay Connected


In His Timing…
After many months of planning, study, and fundraising, we descended from the clouds into a wet and flooded Haiti. For us it was a celebration, as many months have passed since we were in service. Our time back in the US was not wasted, or without its great moments, God had used that time to […]
We Are Called to Serve the Poor!
I landed in Port au Prince, Haiti in January of 2011, it was a defining moment in my life.
Empowering Partners… We decide to make a difference
Every day we make choices, decisions that affect our lives and the world around us. Many of us choose to live a more comfortable, busy life with even more “stuff” that will bring us even more joy and satisfaction. But…
Something Needs to Change… we cannot be silent
For our brothers and sisters who live in Haiti life is difficult.
A Haiti Heart… a testimony
As l be back, I see a heart for Haiti in you.” I thanked him and wished him well. But he was right like many of you...
Our Story
In 2005 God began to tug on Dan’s heart...

Contact Us

We would love to hear from you

We'll get back to you as soon as we can

US Mailing Address

11285 N. Gage Rd

Barneveld, NY 13304


USA: +1 315•794•5913

Haiti: 509•4331•3063

WhatsApp: 315•292•0857

WhatsApp: 315•737•3157


Field Address

# MM380 Thibeau

1st Section Communale Perches

du Bonne de Milot

Haiti 1231

Contact Form

