What's Next

Coming into Focus

Sewing and Screen Print Center

We’re Focused and Centered

The Empowering Partners team finished the Sewing Center concrete footings last week. This building will not only be home to the SEWING CENTER; but also, to our new professional SCREEN PRINT SHOP. We are excited to see our new graduates working in this new building this Fall. With your help we will open in November / December.

This building provides OPPORTUNITY for the people of Tibo, to begin to collapse the abject poverty that is so pervasive and has stifled so many families for generations. It is a joy to see the men and women becoming excited and more confident about their future. Over the next three to four months, we can complete this building so the seamstresses and screen printers can begin their new career. There has never been any kind of opportunity in the village of Tibo. This is significant… this is a really, really “BIG DEAL”! Let’s come together over the next few months to ensure success for Tibo. Over the next few weeks we will be counting on you to work side by side with us on the ground here at the Sewing Center.

For our construction crew, full-time and part-time employment at EPI has allowed them to focus on a future that looks a heck of a lot brighter than it was when they never knew when the next job would be available. Today their families are eating well, their children are going to school, and they have the luxury of healthcare. Again, when you have a Training and Opportunity Generator in your community it can make all the difference!

What’s Next? What is the next step toward making a difference? We need to purchase 4,600 red clay earth blocks. They are made by a Haitian team at another organization. This is another way we support “Haitian Made” by supporting our partners efforts. These bricks are $0.65 each, about $3000 in total. Can you help “put another brick in the wall”?

What's Next

Over the next 3 months construction will finish up on the Sewing and Screen Print Center, furnishings will be installed or fabricated on site, plumbing and electrical fixtures installed, and the professional sewing and screen print equipment that was provided and shipped many months ago will be put in place ready for service. It is at this point that we praise God for all that He has done and will continue to do for Tibo, Haiti.

We would love to say that at this point it gets easier, but… that is unlikely to be the case. Why? Well if we were choosing to meet the needs of those we serve today, or temporarily we would be like many organizations giving out “free stuff” that only satisfies in that moment. True transformation is a struggle, it is building relationships, cultural give and take. If we are to eradicate abject generational poverty in the Tibo area… it will involve change for all involved. It will involve strategic training, leadership, and organization.

Over the next 3 months we will be busy creating and registering a Fondasyon Ayisyen, “Haitian Foundation”. We have already put this in motion. We will need to equip and involve another level of Haitian leadership in daily Operations, Sales, Marketing, Advertising, and Distribution. These are skills not easily found in Haiti. We will need Your Help and experience to train, equip, and lead on this new business venture. If you have a gift in any of these areas… Please consider investing in changing lives in Tibo today and for future generations.

Remember our success looks like working ourselves out of a job!

