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Empowering Partners
Changing Lives.
Creating Opportunities.
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Mission Statement

Empowering Partners is committed to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ; while providing a “hand up” approach through education, training, and the provision of opportunity.

At Our Core

Core: being defined as the central, innermost, or most essential part of something. The core of something such as abject poverty or a spiritual issue is the part of it that has to be understood or accepted before the whole thing can be understood or dealt with. Our core is the sum of the Strategic Plan.



The Strategic Plan 2024-2025

The Empowering Partners Strategic Plan is our heartbeat; it is our driving force; it sustains our forward motion. In the Strategic Plan it is easy to see the direction and the continuity of purpose that lies ahead over the next two years. It is essential. A purpose without a plan is like a boat without a rudder. You may eventually reach your destination, but you will likely be taken off course at times. The Strategic Plan is our rudder. It is our insurance that we will fulfill our vision...


The Strategic Plan looks at the wholeness of the individual, the family, and the community. As you explore the plan you will experience the many diverse ways and opportunities to invest in the future of Tibo, Haiti.

About Us

Why is Empowering Partners committed to Tibo, Haiti?

Why Haiti? Why Tibo? The answer is simple, our faith. Our calling made it crystal clear that Tibo or Thibeau, (in French) was where we were most needed. Tibo is a small dusty village on a dirt road in rural northern Haiti. Its population is approximately 1,000 people living for the most part in abject poverty. There is a Catholic church, school and convent. If there is employment in Tibo it looks like subsistence farming, animal husbandry, moto taxi, and several households sell goods / services on the roadside. There are no formal employment opportunities. In rural Haiti it is often hard to discern where one village ends and another begins. EPI’s calling stretches further along the road in both directions. Empowering Partners is a “big deal” for Tibo. While building, infrastructure, and training occupied our time for the last year and a half, that is all about to change. Empowering Partners opens the Sewing Center with its first employees August 2024.

Get Involved

One of the most rewarding and transformational ways you can get involved is to Volunteer! We often hear, “What could I do that would contribute and provide value?” There are about as many ways to volunteer as there are people! Of course, we need volunteers to come to Tibo and serve hands on. Over the next year we hope to have a portion of the Volunteer Center open to volunteers so they can stay and work alongside us. Volunteers bring fresh ideas, professional skills and instruction, spiritual gifts, and so many other assets.


It is easy to see when looking through the Strategic Plan that there are virtually dozens of ways you can serve stateside. We need your help to create our “cooperative business”, advertise, market, and ship goods from our cooperative business, sponsorship coordinators, sharing of professional trade skills and more.