About Us

Our Purpose

Empowering Partners is committed to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ; while providing a “hand up” approach through education, training, and the provision of opportunity.”

Our Collective Story

In the Field...

Dan and Madel Beck, our missionaries and Executive Directors, answered their calling with a resounding “yes” in 2017. They moved to Haiti in 2018 and successfully built and guided the creation of a Professional Technical School in the Quest department of Haiti. Covid turned the world upside down, and as it began to dissipate, Dan and Madel realized the necessity of an organization to accomplish their calling. So, in 2020 the framework for Empowering Partners Inc. was created. EPI became incorporated as a NY based tax exempt 501c3 in 2021. Once again they responded, being called into northern Haiti as their faith required. Empowering Partners home base is situated south of Cap-Haitien, in the North Department on ½ Kawo (2+ acres) in the village of Thibeau (Tibo) Haiti. Dan and Madel’s skillsets are well suited to the mission life. Madel began her career as a teacher, and also learned the skills of a seamstress from her mother, while Dan spent his life in construction management and home building. And so the adventure began...

Our Team

Dan Beck

Daniel Beck

Executive Director

Dan contributes many years of construction and business experience to Empowering Partners as one of its directors. One of Dan’s favorite mottos is, “action is the magic word”...it is hard for him stay out of the dirt and sit still for very long. One day in speaking to Madel, he realized that if they truly believed God is who He says He is… Why would we not be “all in” for Him? Then the adventure began!

Madel Beck

Madel Beck

Executive Director

Madel was born in the Philippines and immigrated to the US in 1995. She taught Physical Education at the High School and University levels and continued in Education as a one on one aide for thirteen years. Her first two mission trips to Haiti were in 2016 and 2017 for two weeks at a time. She fell in love with the Haitian people. Madel says, "I thought I was poor growing up, but I have never seen poor until I went to Haiti; God laid it on my heart to help them". She moved to Haiti in 2018 as a missionary and began instructing classes in Sewing and Tailor.

Debbie Beck-Servello

Debbie Beck-Servello


Debbie Beck-Servello has more than 20 years of team building and project management experience at a pharmaceutical contract research organization. Debbie has enjoyed volunteer positions at a nursing facility where she worked to help the elderly use their talents in productive and rewarding ways, as well as working with children as a private tutor and as a leader in group activities. She has previously served on the board of directors for a 501c3 organization that sponsors education of impoverished

children in Africa.

Laurie Adams

Matt Jenkins

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Laurie Adams

Vice President

My love for all things Haitian began in February, 2007 when I was blessed to jump onto a mission trip to THE NEW TESTAMENT MISSION in LaCroix,

Haiti. Before then, all of my mission work had been in the continental USA. Since that first trip, I’ve been on more trips than I can count. Most all of them

have been medical missions, some with churches or groups and some I’ve

organized on my own. I served on the FRIENDS OF HAITI board for many years and am currently on the advisory board of Community Rehab Project, based in Gonaives, Haiti. I met most of the EPI board members in Haiti and have served alongside Dave, Dan, Madel, Jim and Bonnie there. It is my privilege to again serve alongside them on EPI. I am a retired nurse and currently live most of the year in Naples, Florida, although, I still own a condo in Gibsonia, PA.

Jim & Bonnie Miller

Bonnie & Jim Miller


Bonnie has been serving in Haiti since 2003. This first trip was a shock and an eye opener it showed how blessed we truly are. I continued mission work all over the United States, Malawi, Africa and Mexico. Then 10 years later God called me back to Haiti. In 2013 I moved to Haiti and served 2 years as a schoolteacher. In 2015 I met the man who would soon become my husband, Jim. Jim joined a trip with his brother in law to see where his nieces and nephew were going, he was concerned they were in danger. Jim learned how much he received compared to what he provided.  Bonnie and Jim now serve together in Haiti after being married in May of 2016.

David Wagner

David Wagner

Dr. David Wagner was bit by the Haiti mission 'bug' in February 2013 on his first mission experience. He was

asked to head an eye care mission, in conjunction with an existing mission

group that had been going there for many years. This area of Haiti had

not seen an eye doctor in over 25 years. Many trips later, over 3500

patients were seen and almost 1 million pairs of glasses were donated to worldwide mission groups.  Unfortunately, Covid19 and unrest in Haiti have placed a pause in his in-person mission. After his first trip, he started a mission called Through God's Eyes that raises funds for eye care in Haiti and collects used glasses and equipment to further this mission. Dr.

Wagner is the CEO/medical director of Wagner Family Eyecare in Seneca, PA and has been a board-certified optometrist for almost 25 years. He is married to Jodi Wagner, a kindergarten teacher, and they have a daughter Maddie who is a Food Science major at Penn State University.

Mark and Gretchen Nimey

Mark & Gretchen Nimey

Gretchen and I started following the Lord when our children were about

6-8 years old. We would drop them off at my sister’s church, then we would go shopping, picking them up after a couple hours. A few months later we decided to stay and we became serious about the Lord. I was a garbage man and Gretchen worked at MetLife insurance. During my years of picking garbage I would pray to Jesus every day to open up an opportunity to be self-employed in the automotive business. As I prayed I promised the Lord that I would be a faithful giver to his kingdom, before I knew it a door opened and I started with a $1,000 Sears credit card. After two months I hired an employee, then six months later I had two employees. As my business took off, I held my promise to

the Lord and it just blew up. During those years I met Steve who introduced me to the Walking Stick ministry, where we hand out a free a stick with a Gospel message. Today thousands have come to know Christ through that ministry. Serving in that ministry led us to many opportunities to serve the Lord by giving time and finances to many different Christian organizations and to be a big part of our community to help others in need. When I received a phone call

from Dan saying his car needed repairs and he explained to me what Empowering Partners was doing in Haiti. I instantly felt led to be a part of EPI’s ministry. Our love for the Lord drives my wife and I to share the gospel with as many souls as we can. Being a part of Empowering Partners is an honor and will continue to pray for others to feel the same way by giving back to the Lord's work.

Susan Hlawati

Susan Hlawati

I am a widow and work full-time for Dr. David Wagner, Wagner Family

Eyecare of Seneca, Pennsylvania as a Certified Para Tech since 2010. I have

served on four previous mission trips with Through God's Eyes with Dr. Wagner 2015 through 2018. I am of the Lutheran faith. I have volunteered extensively with youth and animals in my local community for many years. My passion is helping people and improving life for everyone. 

Experiencing God

  1. God is always at work around you.
  2. God pursues a continuing love relationship with you that is real and personal.
  3. God invites you to become involved with Him in His work.
  4. God speaks by the Holy Spirit through the Bible, prayer, circumstances, and the church to reveal Himself, His purposes, and His ways.
  5. God’s invitation for you to work with Him always leads you to a crisis of belief that requires faith and action.
  6. You must make major adjustments in your life to join God in what He is doing.
  7. You come to know God by experience as you obey Him and He accomplishes His work through you.

Empowering Partners...  In 2024 through a licensing agreement with Lifeway, EPI has translated the Experiencing God study and will begin to publish, distribute and train leadership in a countrywide effort that will begin locally to disciple as many believers as possible using this proven text. EPI has spent two years in translation and review of the Experiencing God text from Blackaby Ministries, into Haitian Creole. Why would we do that? The answer is many of us at EPI have experienced for ourselves a profoundly greater understanding and deeper relationship with God in our own lives and ministry because of this study. Over and over in Haiti when we have led bible studies on our campus or doing community outreach, we encounter people who call themselves “Christians”, or believe they are “saved” who do not really know the truth or have a love relationship with God the father. It can be difficult to “evangelize” people who truly believe they are already saved or are a follower, but when presented with the truth... all things are possible!

Our Staff

Over the last 2 years we have developed a reliable staff. These staff members include the security team, a gardener, our core construction crew, the sewing and tailor team, and a revolving team of over forty construction laborers from the community of Tibo. We are also grateful for the local vendor who provides our construction team daily meals as well as catering for our special events.

Haiti Today, 2024

One of the most important facts to understand about Haiti today is that what is happening in Port au Prince, the capital and other areas, does represent the country of Haiti. The violent situation in Port au Prince and some other areas is having a devastating impact on human life there. The assaults by the gangs on their own people are vile and evil, the destruction of the city is immense, and the burden on the country in terms of governance, trade, mobility, employment, and education are beyond calculation at this moment. Today Haiti is struggling to assemble, maintain a functioning fledgling government, and to keep its ports and airports open. Workplaces are shuttered, education is suffering, healthcare is hard to find and there is a great lack of medicine and resources, and the schools are doing their best to stay open. While Haitians are divided about how to move forward, the beginning of July 2024 saw the arrival an UN backed International Intervention force led by Kenya. It is hard to find good news in Haiti, today and yet...

There is good news in Haiti today, the problem is it just doesn’t make for “gripping” headlines! Many areas of Haiti remain calm and for the most part business as usual. Our area in northern Haiti has been relatively stable allowing EPI to continue its programs, construction, and evangelistic efforts without delay or disruption. We praise God for this, while our prayers are with those who are pinned down in adversity and struggle. Haitians are extraordinarily resilient people; it is unlikely that “today” will be an exception...